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Van Gogh- "Starry Night"
Healing the Whole Self
By Ed Needham
There are seven major
areas of healing that need to be addressed
if positive health, mental
health, and quality of life are desired:
1) Physical
Eat good nutritious foods
(fruits, vegetables and whole grains)
Avoid sugar, salt, fats,
and cholesterol
Get plenty
of exercise and fresh air
Pay attention
to your health
Get enough
sleep, but not too much
Take medications that
are supposed to help you
The body
takes care of the mind; the mind takes care of the body
2) Intellectual
Do things that stimulate
your mind
Read, explore
new things, challenge yourself
Get out, educate yourself
Make friends that are
intellectually stimulating
Get a new hobby
Go new places, eat new
things, do things differently
3) Emotional
Deal with,
and get rid of as much emotional conflict as you can
That means old conflicts
and new ones
Pay attention to the
environment where you live, work and hang out
What do you see, hear,
smell, taste, and feel?
Does it stimulate these
senses in a positive, or negative way?
4) Social
Learn to enjoy other
people in many different social settings
Develop and explore romantic
Learn to
make close friendships
Get out of your house
or apartment frequently
Plan activities with
5) Spiritual
Nourish your spiritual
side by paying attention to things
that help you discover
who you are
Try to
find out why you are here
Do you have a purpose?
Is there a creator?
What does this creator
want of me?
Attend a spiritual meeting.
Get involved
6) Creative
All of us have a creative
side that needs to be expressed
Find out what creativity
you may have and develop it
Get a hobby.
Do it with others
7) Productive
We all have a need to
feel like our efforts are worthwhile and productive,
whether it is in a job
or just in helping others.
Find ways to be productive
and to feel good about what you do.
Add to
the world more than you take away
Play is an important
part of being productive.
There is a very fine
line between work and play.
Mostly, the difference
is Attitude!
When these seven areas are in balance
and in a steady level of growth, we can experience fullness of
life and be able to not only satisfy our own life needs and goals,
but we can help others with theirs. Mental health improves.
People that are very high in these
areas are the ones that are making a difference in the world.
Conversely, people that are very low in most of these areas are
very sick and unable to even take care of their own needs and
desires, let alone those of others.

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